In the C programming language, a data type can be defined as a set of values with similar characteristics. All the values in a data type have the same properties.

Example:- Int a=10; char a=‘c’ etc.

There are mainly three data Type 

  1. Primary (Built-in) Data Type
  2. Derived Data Type
  3. User Define Data Type
1. Primary Data Type

Fundamental data types are called primary Data types because it's already pre-defined in the c language.
There are 4 primary data Types:
  •  int
  • char
  • float
  • double
2. Derived Data Type

It is a combination of fundamental data types(primary).
There are three Derived Data types:
  • Function
  • Array
  • pointer

3. User-Define Data type

That data defined by the user is called user define data type it's a combination of primary data and some other extra relation between data and function. Create various custom data types of your own choice. 
There are three user-define data types:
  • Structures
  • Union
  • Enumeration

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