Comments in C language are used to provide information about lines of code. It is widely used for documenting code. A well-documented program is a good practice for a programmer. In computer programming, a comment is a programmer-readable explanation or annotation in the source code of a computer program. Comments are statements that are not executed by the compiler and interpreter.

There are 2 types of comments in the C language

  1. Single Line Comments
  2. Multi-Line Comments

1. Single Line Comments

Single line comments are represented by a double slash \\. Let's see an example of a single-line comment in C.

void main()
    //printing information    
    printf("Hello C");    

2. Multi-Line Comments

Multi-Line comments are represented by a slash asterisk /* ... */. It can occupy many lines of code, but it can't be nested.

void main()
   /*printing information Multi-Line Comment*/  
    printf("Hello C");    

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